What Are SMART CARDS?, The Clairifiers



A smart card is typically a pocket-sized card. It is a plastic card that contains an embedded computer chip either a memory or microprocessor type that stores and transacts data. This data is usually associated with either value, information, or both and is stored and processed within the card's chip. The card data is transacted via a reader that is part of a computing system. Systems that are enhanced with smart cards are in use today throughout several key applications, including healthcare, banking, entertainment, and transportation.

Utility Of Smart Cards

  • Smart cards can be used as electronic wallets. The card can be used for electronic cash payments. The smart card chip is loaded with funds to pay at different retail outlets.
  • A smart card is used for personal identification such as Driver's License card, Patient card, Voter card, etc. It can easily provide authentic digital identification.
  • Smart cards can serve as pre-payment cards for households, ATM cards, fuel cards, mobile phone SIM, etc.
  • Smart health card helps to ensure the privacy and security of patient information. 
  • Smart cards can be issued to students in schools and colleges to track their attendance.
  • A smart card can be used to communicate with external agencies, which a card-reading device (such as ATM, ticket reader, etc.)
  • Smart cards can be programmed with various facilities such as medical information, banking credentials, etc.
  • A smart card is widely used for ticketing, payment, and other applications.

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